Wyckoff and Midland Park rotarians are having a special push on for this month to get food supplies to local Food Pantries.  We request that other Rotary Clubs in our district respond to the call to provide emergency supplies to local organizations.
A recent Record article highlighted the serious shortage of food at local Food Pantries during these summer months.  This is a perennial problem as people go on vacation and supplied drop as people are otherwise engaged.  However, struggling to provide for families does not know any vacation.  With our commitment to helping the local community as much as we can we have sprung into action to be of assistance.   Each week at our meeting in The Brick House we will be bringing bags of non-perishables that will be taken to needy food centers after our meeting.  If you would like to help, feel free to bring food at 7:30 am or contact one of our local members who will arrange to pick it up for you.
We are also reaching out to other Rotary clubs in the District to organize similar initiatives.  Things will ease in a month or so, but the time to have an impact is now especially.
You can read more about it here.     In this Record article there are several practical suggestions as to how you can assist in the effort.  Please help in any way that you can.