Jennifer Brady from Oasis addressed our weekly meeting.  She provided an update on the new initiatives they are developing to provide even better service to the people they care for.
Jennifer Brady from Oasis was our guest speaker and did an excellent job of updating us on the latest initiatives of the organization.  Oasis provides 69,000 meals a year to mothers and their children providing both breakfast and lunch.  They also provide free GED education for those ladies that had to leave school early for various reasons.  Even the cost of sitting the exam is covered.  Three girls are going to college this year, with one of them being the first in her family to go to college.  In once case the girl is the only graduate from her High School that is going to college.  Oasis also offers ESL training at four different levels and server over 200 women a year from 25 different countries.
Oasis are doing an amazing job and probably just scratching the surface of what needs to be done in terms of the number of people that really need their services. 
Oasis is one of the charities for which we do as much as we can.  One of our members Ken Norman and his wife along with Cindy Perrotta recently brought to our attention that the children from Oasis who are generously treated to summer camp at the YMCA were in need of suntan lotion.  We quickly gathered our resources to supply enough suntan lotion for the complete season at the summer camp.   Many of these were previously delivered and at todays meeting we presented an additional 90 bottles for the kids along with a donation check.  Thanks to John Adams and Lee Parker for being creative in helping us acquire as many bottles as we could.
We look forward to visiting Oasis in the fall to sponsor and serve a lunch.   If you would like to join us in this and other initiatives you are welcome to come to our meetings any Thursday morning at 7:30am in The Brick House in Wyckoff.
Thanks Jen for an excellent update and we look forward to supporting you in any way we can in the future.