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Brian Murray spoke to the club about his Axenika Water Sanitizing System which can be used in areas that have limited access to clean water.
"Every 21 seconds a child dies from a water related illness."  This was one of the opening statistics from Brians talk to our club and he immediately had our attention.
Globally, ready access to clean water is somewhat of a luxury that many of us take for granted.  Often when sanitizing systems are provided it is hard to keep them working because of the sophistication or the complexity of the system.  Today, Brian Murray spoke to the club of a water sanitizing unit that his company is producing that can provide enough clean water for a small village.  The Axenika pump can be operated either with or without electricity.  If electricity is not available, then it can be operated by hand.  The pump is rated at up to 150 gallons per hour.
Lack of access to clean water can cause many diseases and providing clean water alone can have a huge impact on the overall health of a community.  Brian leads the Pristina Capital Partners Group who are responsible for designing and manufacturing their pump. 
Clifford also spoke to us about the experience in Accra, Ghana where he is from.  He pointed out that although many homes in the city have plumbing and faucets, many of those faucets have not seen running water in two years.
The full presentation can be seen by clicking here
Brian with Clifford from Ghana who also spoke to us and is visiting the US:
L to R: Lee Parker from our club with Brian Murray, both Villanova alumni.  Clifford and Tom Madigan, club president:
Click here to see the presentation on Slideshare: